Thirty Memories

#GlitchBicycle 1

#GlitchBicycle 1

  This is the completed painting.  Below are some of the steps I went through painting it. In these images, I have begun blocking in the areas that will be further developed later.  This is pretty...

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Thirty Memories

Danova Mix

Danova Mix

I was visiting a friend in Boston when I woke the sun was streaming in through the dining room window I loved the translucency of the leaves as the sun passes through them.

Danova Mix I 8x8 | Oil on Cradled Pane

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Thirty Memories

30-in-30, Day 4, Swirl lollipop

30-in-30, Day 4, Swirl lollipop

Swirl lollipop   Purchase Painting Swirl lollipop I  8x8 | Oil on Cradled Panel This original one-of-a-kind oil painting is on Birch Cradle Board that measures 8” wide by 8” high by 1.5” deep.  The artwork...

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Thirty Memories

30-in-30, Day 3, Cow 1

30-in-30, Day 3, Cow 1

Purchase Painting

Cow I  8x8 | Oil on Cradled Panel

3 years ago I had an art exhibit in Vermont in the month of July this is based on one of the photos I took while staying in Vermont.

I wasn't planning on participating in Leslie Saeta's September 2018 Thirty paintings in 30 days challenge. But I am going to bend the rules and give it a try.

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Thirty Memories

Washington Sailing Marina

Washington Sailing Marina

Washington DC Sailing Marina | 8 x 8 | Oil on Panel | $110

In early June I was walking my dog Chipper at Daingerfield Island on the way home from Old Town Alexandria it was a quick walk because of the incoming storm. But I was really taken by the colors of the greens on the far shore. 

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Thirty Memories

Pool Balls

Pool Balls

Pool Balls | 8 x 8 | Oil on Panel


Painting part of my September Challenge I had always wanted to paint Pool balls and decided this was a good time to try.

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Thirty Memories

Memory of Grapes

Memory of Grapes

Memory of Grapes  | 8 x 8 | Oil and Inkjet Transfer


5 or 6 years ago I visited a friend in Washington State. We went on a few #vineyard tours. It was an overcast day so when the sun did shine I was able to get a nice reference picture of these grapes on the vine. I was really taken with the light hitting the grapes from behind and wanted to capture the light is this painting.

When I was in high school the first drawing I remember doing was a charcoal drawing of a bunch of purple grapes. I have painted grapes in many paintings since high school. They are one of my favorite subjects.

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